Back to the Beginning
“Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to” ~John Ed Pearce
“When you're safe at home you wish you were having an adventure; when you're having an adventure you wish you were safe at home” ~Thornton Wilder
Those of you who read my blog regularly may have figured out, I spent my life traveling, moving around from place to place every few years. So the concept of home was a bit different for me. I created my home around me. And I didn't think twice about it. But recently I had the chance to go ''home'', to the house in which I lived in as a baby, to the country that I belong to, both by law and by spirit. And it got me thinking a lot about the concept of ''roots''.
I have to mention that I spend a large amount of my childhood in the United States, so I was used to different people, from different backgrounds. But the idea in the US, it seems to me, is to assimilate everyone. Instead of encouraging people to keep their cultures, they loose them, and choose a one-size-fits-all approach to culture that the US offers. It was always the strangest thing for me: the United States has no culture of its own. It's all a mixture of the cultures of its immigrants (St.Patrick's Day), new things invented by capitalism (Valentine's Day), and a few traditions that were taken from Native Americans.
I mentioned this, because it seems like the United States is the role model for other countries nowadays. Like an older sibling, all the countries look up to it and copy anything it does.
My point is, generally, I feel like people have forgotten to value culture. And I feel like I have been one of those people. I thought that what you accomplished in life was more important then your history. It is, of course, important, but where you come from, your roots are the base of who you are as a person.
We are not born blank. We are born with our parent's DNA, we start to eat the food of our land, develop the anti-bodies for the germs of that area, get used to the climate, traditions, learn the language. And even if our lives lead us far away from all that, that is what lies at our core. And I really think that a person can never feel complete and happy being apart from that part of themselves. They could, for a while, but there will always be something missing, even if they might not notice it.
I didn't notice it. I think I was so used to the emptiness that I forgot about it. I killed any feeling of homesickness early in my childhood. It was simply easier to let go and not care about it. Otherwise the feeling of being severed from your homeland would get in the way. And I was able to let it go, little by little.
Visiting became a sort of adventure and test of memory. Was everything as I remember it? Is that tree still there? Do you remember where this came from?
The tastes, smells, the people, the energy, was always something as if from a wonderful dream. I would come, live the dream, and then go back to reality (my home abroad). But now that I am older, I realized the bigger issue: I'm not sure which one is the reality. I guess, ultimately, both are.
And now that I am older I only now start to understand the importance of having both, if circumstances are such that you cannot combine the two.
A person without roots is only half a person. They are like a plant that has been picked from the ground: it can live, but on artificial life support, and it's life may not be as long and full.
Every person is unique and creates their own path in life, filled with their experiences, accomplishments, goals, hopes and dreams. But our culture, our family, our homeland make up the background of who we are. It seems like there has to be a balance: without having harmony with your past, your future is questionable.
I guess it's hard to feel what I am referring to if it's not as extreme. If you live in your home town, or visit your family often, you take it for granted. So I urge you, don't. Because one of the worst things is to realize that it's too late to start to appreciate something.
Walking around my home country now, I am constantly on the verge of tears. I'm not quite sure why. It's something like, I feel like I belong, like I'm a part of this land, these people. This is a part of me. Everything: the air, the dirt, the sky. It's such a wonderful thing. And it's so sad that it need to be neglected so much to be felt so clearly afterward.
Never forget who you are and where you come from.
On Medicine and other disasters
"On the basis of what is known about the roles of the electrical,
magnetic, elastic, acoustic, thermal, gravitational and photonic
energies in living systems, it appears that there are many energetic
systems in the living body and many ways of influencing them. What we
refer to as the "living state" and as "health" are all of these systems,
both known and unknown, functioning collectively, cooperatively and
synergistically. The debate about whether there is such a thing as
"Healing Energy" or life force is being replaced with the study of the
interactions between the biological energy fields, structures and
functions.'' - James Oschman, PHD
"We are a multidimensional creation with coexisting 'bodies'...Our physical body is composed of matter; our subtle body is energy,
thought and emotions; and our causal body is a spiritual source of energy.
Health is the integration of all aspects of our being." -Mirka Knaster
""It is a wise mans part, rather to avoid sickness, than to wish for medicines.'"- Thomas More, Utopia
"The greatest mistake in the treatment of diseases is that there are physicians for the body and physicians for the soul, although the two cannot be separated." -Plato
"Treatment originates outside you; healing comes from within." -Andrew Weil, M.D.
"The good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease." - William Osler
I have long wanted to write
on this subject, but knowing what controversy it might cause, I hesitated and
avoided it. But...finally.. here it is. My view on medicine.
First of all let me say
that I greatly respect the science that is at the base of modern medicine. It
was an incredible leap between the medicine of say, the Renaissance era, to
where we are now. With our superb technologies and understanding of how things
work. It's improved people's lives greatly, and extended them by many years.
People can now travel or just go to public places without the risk of
catching some lethal disease. Now that I got that out of the way...
Modern Medicine has lost
its way. In theory, it is a practice that serves to use science to understand
the human body, find causes of illnesses and cure them, or eliminate the possibility
of catching them altogether.
Great idea.. But
practically what do we have?
Chaos. Absolute chaos. And
capitalism. It's all about money. And as much as I hate to support the ''global
conspiracy'' theory of how the government is against us, in this case, I have
to say, they have a point:
Pills are replaced with
placebos. Doctors advertise medication. New medications are developed that are
similar in properties as heroin, to get people addicted to it. And when a
resistance is built up by the immune system, they reach for stronger, more
expensive drugs. Medicine is advertised and colored to be consumer-friendly.
There are pills for happiness. For any little twitch your body makes,
there is a pill to stop it. WE ARE SEDATING OUR BODIES INTO STUPIDITY.
Through illnesses our body
communicates with us. It's the only way it has!! So when your head hurts, as
yourself WHY, not just pop a pill and wait for it to go away.
One of the biggest problems
in Modern Medicine is that it is mostly targeted at treating the consequences
of illnesses, but not the causes.
And many people disagree
with me here. ''Of course it treats causes!"
Let me give a bit of an extreme example:
Extreme headache --> Tumor.
Result --> Cause
Solution: cut it out.
Let me give a bit of an extreme example:
Extreme headache --> Tumor.
Result --> Cause
Solution: cut it out.
NO. I want to ask you WHY
the tumor formed. WHY. It could have formed, it could have not. What factors
influenced it? And how do we eliminate these factors in the future? That is the
real cause.
I do not only blame doctors
for this. If people demanded real treatment, they would provide it I'm sure.
But people don't want it. They want a quick fix. They want to pop a pill and go
on watching TV and eating their french fries.
I believe in alternative
medicine, as it is labeled. By definition it is anything that does not fall
within the realm of ''conventional medicine''. It's something different. BUT
The Body is such a complex
system. It is not a piece of living meat.
and every cell in the body is not only intelligent, but conscious too, in the
sense that it can independently make decisions on the communications it sends
to other cells. There are approximately 10 trillion cells in the body. Yet each
of those cells signals, on average, to at least 10,000 other cells every
day." (
I believe in the System of
Unity of Mind, Body and Spirit.
And before you give me that
cynical look, let me explain what I mean.
This is not some African
voodoo, ok?
It's so shocking to me to
hear that people, when asked about religion and God, are so passionate and full
of faith, but when asked about healing energies, auras, spirits or karma, look
at me like I come from a different planet.
If I got anything from
conventional religious teachings, its this: God is everywhere. God is in each of us.
So why is medicine so
separate from it? There is nothing spiritual in conventional medicine. Simply,
it's afraid of spirituality. Because when it has it's facts and experiments,
it's safe and protected. It's in control. But when it comes to spirituality,
it's walking on ice.
But its impossible to
separate the two! The Body is not a piece of meat, again. It has a physical,
intellectual AND spiritual side.
We are conscious beings. We
have souls. Does anyone doubt that? (If any of you do, please, then, tell me
what separates us from animals?)
Our Bodies have energy.
They give off energy. They use energy.. And this is not hippie bullshit, this
is real. ENERGY IS A TERM FROM PHYSICS. There are sooooo many PHDs from physics
that, at a certain point in their research, came to accept God and Energy.
Just because there are things that we cannot explain, or do not understand, or
For me, the most logical
thing of all is to say, that the unknown aspect of ''science'' is, actually,
what we call God. It's the unknown forces.
After all, centuries ago,
people didn't understand how weather worked, so they invented Gods to represent
forces of nature. Now they seem stupid to us, and primitive. So WHY, please
tell me, isn't it possible that we are primitive in our understandings as well?
When Galileo said that the
Earth wasn't the center of our galaxy, people called him insane. Why is
''different'' necessarily ''wrong'''?
Just because it's not
''conventional''? It hasn't been accepted by the masses so it doesn't deserve
to be considered? THINK.
My system is very
The body is strong and
intelligent enough to withstand any illness.
To sustain it in this
state, it must be healthy, both physically (eating organic, pure, healthy food,
drinking clean water, exercising regularly), intellectually (the mind must be
kept busy, and given enough rest) and spiritually (there must be harmony in our
Any illness that arises
is a result of the failure of one of these systems.
All the chemical, genetic
modifications, the dyes, the excess saturated fats have an EXTREMELY bad effect
on your body. How could they not? THINK. (Examples: Certain types of crops in
the US are sprayed with a special chemical to keep bugs away. And this chemical
is absorbed into the crop, and then eaten by us. IF BUGS DONT EAT THE CROPS, WHY
WOULD YOU? They are spraying them, literally, with POISON.)
The processing of food is
also a very important aspect to mention..
Do you honestly think the
0.3% fruit juice concentrate that you find in Fanta for example is the same as
drinking fresh orange juice?? Your body needs LIVE vitamins. Natural ones, so
it can use them. You're giving it dead, painted vitamins, that have been
chocked, beaten, then filled with bubbles and put into a plastic container.
Visual enough?
And as to cooking food.. should I even mention frying, or is it self-explanatory? Cooking a vegetable in boiling oil kills any minerals or vitamins that it had in it. It goes from being a vegetable... to something like a piece of plastic covered in crunchy oil, in terms of health value at least.
If the mind isn't working,
it is rotting away. Violent video games, most television shows, most of the time- social networking sites, porn, even sometimes
magazines. They stupidify the mind, focusing it on consumerist values, sex, or
As for sleep: Not getting enough rest
makes your mind exhausted so it cannot function properly. pretty straightforward.
Now this is the most fun
one: Simply put: every person
has an aura, a sphere of energy around them, and this energy is not stable, it
is connected to the higher energies. Any time something goes wrong with the
harmony of energy, it corresponds to a certain point in our aura, and so, on
our body. It is very much connected to the asian system of chakras and the flow
of energy.
Every illness, pain, etc.
can be read and understood.
The right side of our body
represents the female side, the left- the male.
The throat corresponds to
the fifth chakra, Vishuddha,
the chakra of
communication.The feet – to material
possessions and concepts, such as money. The nose corresponds to pride. The
head- to our outlook on life and thoughts. And so on. (Research this in more
detail or ask me for references. A famous researcher on this subject was Luule
Viilma, an Estonian doctor)
All blockages in the flow of energy causes problems.
Any disturbance of energy, such as anger, jealously, hatred, etc. creates problems and eventually illnesses in the corresponding areas.
If your pride was hurt, you will get a runny nose, or catch the flu. If you
didn’t speak your mind – a sore throat. If you were angry with your father
about financial issues, you will accidentally drop a heavy object on your left
foot. Or it might spasm up and start hurting without a physical factor like dropping something on it. IT WORKS.
It may sound silly, but it truly works. And doctors something shrug their shoulders at such things, because such problems are not always deep enough to be seen on a materialistic level.
example, have you ever had pains, and went to the doctor and they couldn’t tell
you anything? They made scans, but they were clean. “There is nothing there,”
the doctor may have told you. “But what hurts then?” You ask in response.
In high school I would have
terrible, sharp pains in my lower stomach, on the left side. Similar to pains
of an infection in the appendix, but it was never that. Such pains, they would
come suddenly, and so sharply, that I wouldn’t be able to move, and would
sometimes loose consciousness. I went to all the doctors I could find. But in
the place where the pains were concentrated, THERE WAS NOTHING THERE. No organ,
nothing. Nothing could hurt there, because there was nothing there to hurt.
Doctors shrugged at me.
So, if I tell you it was a
block in my flow of energy, you may or may not believe me.
But as we follow this
system in my entire family, when I finished high school I took the initiation
into the system of Reiki healers. I am a first level Reiki healer. ( And since
then I’ve never had the pains come back.
Also let me comment on something else: The idea that such illnesses as colds and the flu come from cold weather. Ok, this is just bullshit. What does the cold weather do to your body? Ok, it MAY challenge your immune system. So it's your bad immune system that gets you sick, not a little cold weather. Silly people! Why don't we have a similar sickness connected to very hot weather then? What's the difference, theyre both extremes? Think!!
And about the appendix-removing craze people have developed (to add to the wisdom teeth removal craze). It's so funny how medicine decided that some things in the body are just ''extra'' and should be cut out. ONLY LATER... they found out that the appendix isn't actually completely useless and generates some kind of hormone. HAHA! and I thought God was just silly and gave us an extra body part.. silly me..
When our hand hurts, is the first thing we think of that we have to cut it off???
And about the appendix-removing craze people have developed (to add to the wisdom teeth removal craze). It's so funny how medicine decided that some things in the body are just ''extra'' and should be cut out. ONLY LATER... they found out that the appendix isn't actually completely useless and generates some kind of hormone. HAHA! and I thought God was just silly and gave us an extra body part.. silly me..
When our hand hurts, is the first thing we think of that we have to cut it off???
Another aspect: The most terrible illness of our century is AIDS.
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
Acquired: not something we are born with
Immunodeficiency: having a weak immune system
The worst illness of our time is a illness that kills the immune system. Ironic isn't it? Since our society is so good at doing that on it's own. With it's dead, plastic, colored food, drinks made of liquid sugar and food dye, cigarettes and alcohol (last two are self-explanatory), machines that do all the thinking and working instead of us, a system of financial slavery that makes everything too expensive, and makes us borrow money from the system in a way that it's physically impossible to return back, psychological stress, dirty, polluted air and water. What is the world coming to? And why do we allow this?
Most of the time when something like
alternative medication is mentioned, people think of acupuncture, iridology,
yoga, herbs, etc. I could go into details about each of these and what amazing
techniques they are, but I will leave that researching to you, my readers. I
will let you take initiative and find some details on your own.. I will say
The past 5 years I have cured all of my winter-related illnesses from
runny nose, to a severe flu in which I was in bed, too weak to stand up for 4
days straight and unable to eat, I cured them all with herbal teas. That is all
I will say.
Of course, to each their
But I urge you to be open
to things, and consider this system. At least consider it.
At least the part of it
that says that health is not about pills and doctors, its about living life in
a healthy way, in touch with nature, and taking care of your body.
Your body is
the temple of your soul. It’s the only one you get in this life, so take care
of it.
Think. Be healthy.