“All my writing is about the recognition that there is no single reality. But the beauty of it is that you nevertheless go on, walking towards utopia, which may not exist, on a bridge which might end before you reach the other side.”- Marguerite Young
One of my friends recently asked, what is so wonderful about our world?
Nature: destroyed, food: toxic, people: psychologically unstable. All
the bad things you hear on the news. All the horrors than are still
happening every day… Women being stoned or buried alive for going
outside or for talking to men before marriage, masses of children being
killed as a demonstration of an ideology (Norway), militarization,
development of bombs that can destroy our planet 300 times over, natural
and unnatural disasters, ice caps melting, species of animals dying out
because of our over consumption or carelessness, people getting
attacked and killed for little green papers that have no value.
Does it make you feel kind of helpless?
Well, this is my response to this issue, I hope it gives you some food for thought:
There is a good and bad side in everything, darkness and light. But
light is always stronger, because darkness is simply a lack of light.
Bad things have, do, and will exist in the world, but they only seem to
be dominant because we hear about them more often. The good things are
the norm, nobody on the news bothers to tell you what good things
happened in the world, there wouldn’t be enough time in the program.
As long as people exist that are able to think and question our
reality, and strive to have love and light in our hearts, and spread it
to other people, then there is always hope for our world.
But the war can never be really over, because in the fight between
the light and darkness we grow. In an ideal world there is no evolution,
nothing to learn. Basically there would be no point to exist.
What do you guys think?