"The most beautiful makeup of a woman is passion. But cosmetics are easier to buy." -Yves Saint-Laurent
"When we lose twenty pounds, we may be losing the twenty best pounds we have! We may be losing the pounds that contain our genius, our humanity, our love and honesty." -Woody Allen
I have a confession to make.
We women completely openly
lie about ourselves. About the way we are naturally. All the time.
It's even considered
normal, expected. It's something good almost.
Yes I really am talking
about make up. But I mean it more than just mascara and lip
gloss, I mean the whole ''making yourself up'' bit. Hair, Coloring, Dieting,
Operations, etc. The whole package.
Yes Yes I know its a bit of
a step down from my usual global topics of love and yada yada,
but I really think I'm on
to something, so stay with me.
No, first let me mention
that what is considered being vain and ''girly'' is not such a easy, mundane
thing. If you care enough about your body, then simply taking care of yourself
becomes a large investment of both time, effort and money. It takes a lot of
trial and error, research and experiments to learn to get it right. And you
also have to spend extra time tending to the negative effects of all the
chemicals. By buying and applying more chemicals usually. My advice is go o
r g a n i c. It's good for you and for the environment. Besides, don't you
think nature knows best?
So now that I got that off
my chest...
As usual let's start with
the Why.
Q: Why so women wear make up/do their
hair/diet/get silicone injected into their body?
A: To seem more attractive.
Notice the wording: to seem
more attractive, not to be more attractive. Because we cannot really
change who we are to begin with. A little bit with operations, but I don't
believe in that. I just believe that it's a person with something foreign
attached to them. It's not really a part of their body, ever. If it's something
that has been removed, usually it will either come back (talking about
liposuction here) or if will simply be a deformation of your natural state of
being. (such as removing ribs to make your waist look smaller.)
Now on to the Who.
Q: For who do women do these things?
A1: For Men, or Women, or Both
(depending on sexual preference; this blog supports Love in all its
A2: For themselves
Now, let me just say that I
am a great supporter of A2, but honestly, if I dip deep down inside I know
that's a lie. Yes we can say we do it to feel more self confident, etc etc. But
why does it make us feel more self confident? Because we are aware, maybe
subconsciously, that we look good. But not just normal, puffy eyed,
clogged pored natural-beauty-type of good. We look better. And that is
what gives us that extra spring in our step, that extra boost.
The other thing about A2 is
we use it as a mask. It makes us feel safe, protected. Because we are following
'the rules', we fit in the system, and if we do, nothing can go wrong really.
Who can reject us if we're pretty? Right?
Wrong. But more about that
Now, the real answer is A1.
And we all know it, no matter how much we may deny it. We want to be
attractive. Moreover we want to seem more attractive then we really
are. Why?
Because of competition. Because of the constant pressure from
standards set by ''them''. We know that our natural beauty can only be
appreciated by a few very close people. Everybody else just doesn't
want to see it.
We don't want the truth. We want perfection.
I'm pissed as much as the next girl that all those girls on magazine
covers are over photo shopped, liquefied and all that But would you
really want to see them on the cover with pimples, wrinkles and
cellulite? No. So we hate and whine about the system, but we are part
of it and we love it. We love the drama, the impossibility of the
standards. We can protest all we want, but people are
very easily zombified. Someone once decided that thin is beautiful and
all went downhill from there. Anorexia, Bulimia, Crash diets, Diet
Pills, Weight
Watchers, Fat free, low fat, light, sugar free. B. S. And
everyone went along with it. It may make you thinner (usually
temporarily), but it harms your body, which leads to faster exhaustion
and shorter life span. Priorities, people, please!
If God wanted us all to be
60-90-60 (European version), or 36-24-36 (US version) he would have made
us all equal, so to say.
Why is it not obvious to
everyone that our bodies are all different? Not using that as an excuse or
anything, but seriously..! Bone structure in every person is different..! For
example I have a pretty wide hips, so my ass will never measure 60 cm, I mean
in a healthy way. Why this obsession with numbers?
And another thing, muscles
weigh waaaaaaaaay more than fat does. So gaining muscle mass will virtually
make you seem ''fatter'' on the scale.
We got so obsessed with numbers and stuff that we actually invented psychological diseases that make women starve themselves to death. Something is very. very. very. wrong with our society.
Now onto a different point. Who said that being a size 0 is good anyway?
Designers. Why? Because it's easier to fit anything to a size 0. Not for any other reason.
Now, women, think about it. MEN LIKE CURVES. Haven't you noticed the whole ass-boob obsession?
onto the most shocking point: when you loose weight, boobs are the
first thing to go, and last thing to fill out when you gain weight.
Men don't notice small weight changes. Fact.
Men would rather a girl be a bit overweight than be bony anyway. When a girl is overly skinny she looses her femininity, which is the whole point of being a girl. And she looses her sense of humor. Sometimes even her will to live.
course there are exceptions. Guys that love skinny girls. And girls who
are skinny naturally. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about
trying to change the way you should be to fit with the unrealistic
standards of today's world.
The worst thing is the misuse to the whole idea of the 'diet'.
Diet- (Wikipedia) the sum of the food consumed by an organism or group.
Dieting- (Wikipedia) the deliberate selection of food to control body weight or nutrient intake.
you see the distortion? A diet is a way of eating. Not a temporarily
way of torturing yourself into a desperate state of constant hunger.
This may produce results, but they will be only temporary. Once you're
off your 'diet' you'll go back to eating normally and gain everything
Only way to stay at a certain healthy weight is to eat healthy,
regularly. All the time. It's a lifestyle.You have to believe in it.
Not just do it because its the right thing to do. Like any other lifestyle choice it requires a change of consciousness.
I've been dieting since I was nine years old. Fact.
was a bit overweight as a kid. Fact. But that is no excuse. I've been
doing better lately. But I still can't get rid of the feeling of guilt
after every meal. I don't let myself eat more often than every 5 hours,
so when I do eat I tend to stuff myself, since I know I won't let
myself eat anytime soon. That's messed up ok? Don't give in.
Your body needs calories to operate.
It needs fat for warmth, for oil for the skin, for joints and stuff.
Loosing a lot of weight also f'cks up your hormones. Which leads to the f'ing up of pretty much everything else.
Deny your body and all you'll get is health problems.
So just be healthy. Exercise. Not to loose weight, but just so your body functions better.
Your body is the temple of your soul. So take care of it.
a well balanced diet. Balanced. Which means everything in rational
proportions. Rational by the way your body works, not how magazines
tell you to eat. Every body is different. Some people need to eat more,
some people need to eat often, some people need to eat a lot of a
certain type of food. Learn to read your body and you can't go wrong.
Don't give in to pressure. Love yourself and your body. If you don't love yourself, how do you expect other people to love you?
happy, be confident. That often attracts people a lot more than
silicone boobs and tons of hair gel. Or at least the attention you get
will be the kind of attention that is good to have, not offers for sex
in the bathroom.
Yes Beauty is important, but it is not the most important thing. When it comes to these things, Health is the most important. Have the right priorities and be at peace with your own body and with the world.
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