"Sex relieves tension - love causes it." ~Woody Allen
"Sex without love is an empty experience, but as empty experiences go it's one of the best." ~Woody Allen"Love is a matter of chemistry, but sex is a matter of physics. " ~Author Unknown
Now, I expect this to stir up some controversy, because I am about to attack a subject that seems to be the most popular and best thing since, oh I don't know, since chocolate maybe. But seriously, I missed the memo. When did sex become a casual part of life? Free of emotions, attachment, or relationships? When did sex lower itself down to the level of routineness of brushing your teeth? Honestly...
Now, I am not a supporter of abstinence, God forbid. But what is going on in society nowadays is just disgusting. And I have to say it. Women have become sick of being treated as sex objects, so they have decided to let men treat them as sex objects, and they started to like it, so they turned the tables around: started acting like men, using them for sex. Surprised? Or did you think only men had needs?
Statistically, women think about sex up to 34 times in an average day, that works out at the equivalent of once every 14 minutes. For men, the number is, on average, about every 6 seconds.
OK. So for some reason people are naturally very horny all the time. But that doesn't mean that hooking up randomly is the only rational solution.
And I do not believe in all that bullshit people say to try to prove that its ok: that its just for fun, that its just 'fucking', that its an easy substitute for intimacy for people who don't have time to commit. Please.
Sex is the most intimate way for people to connect, the only way for them to experience something so deep and I won't even be afraid to use the word spiritual, for them to actually, physically, be one. And what people do with it, they lower it down to such a low level of just rubbing body parts together and exchanging fluid. Its sad. Its like taking yoga poses and performing them in a strip club with people masturbating.
Some things should be kept sacred. I don't think its necessary to cover the normal reasons, aka STDs and pregrancy, or emotional trauma. It's more than that. I just can't understand how people can detach like that. How can you allow a stranger, sometimes a complete stranger, be so close and intimate, know your body, be with you in moments when you are completely beyond rational control of thought. It seems that its unnatural for women, being that are naturally prone to being loving and nurturing, to be so detached. It's like we shot anesthetic into our hearts. If we can't find love, this is the next best thing, eh?
But why, why should we sell ourselves so cheaply? We do we not hope, expect for something special? Why are we not prepared to wait for it?
Now I am not against sex. It's actually a very healthy activity. Even scientifically:
More and more studies are showing increased
emotional and physical benefits from frequent safe sex.
- Lower mortality rates.
- Reduced risk of prostate cancer.
- Improves posture.
- Boosts self esteem.
- Makes a person feel younger.
- Firms tummy and buttocks.
- Keeps spouses connected emotionally.
- Offers pain-relief.
- Gives people a positive attitude on life.
- Reduced risk of heart disease.
- Makes a person more calm.
- Improves fitness level.
- Makes a person less irritable.
- Reduced depression.
- Improved sense of smell.
- Has a therapeutic effect on immune system.
- Better bladder control.
- Relieves menstrual cramps.
- Helps people sleep better.
- Improves digestion.
- Healthier teeth.
- Helps improve memory.
- Produces chemicals in the brain to stimulate the growth of new dendrites.
- Lowers the level of cortisol, a hormone that can trigger fatigue and cravings.
- Lowers feelings of insecurity.
- Increases level of commitment.
- Less-frequent colds and flu.
- It can help people achieve weight loss since about 200 calories are burned during 30 minutes of active sex.
- Studies are also showing that it is a myth that abstinence can sharpen a person's competitive edge.
I will say again, I am no way against sex. I actually think I have a much higher sex drive then I should, but I, not because of religion, or what my family says, or whatever. I, just for me, am prepared to only engage in it with someone who I care about. Someone who will not disappear the next morning. But instead might bring me breakfast. And you know for sure he will be rewarded double. Some things have to be worth the effort. More effort = more reward.
“Women are like apples on trees, the best ones are on the top of the tree. The men don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and don't want to get hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples from the ground that aren't so good but easy. So, the apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality they are amazing. They just have to wait for the right man to come along, the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top becuase they value quality.”
Why have we lost faith in love? Why do we go searching for the lower, easier ways to achieve pleasure? Is love not worth the effort anymore? I didn't get the memo, really. Must have gotten lost. Everybody else seems to have got it. Men aren't even shy about asking for sex anymore. Damn, in Ukraine, you're likely to be asked for sex from complete strangers on the street from 1-10 times daily. Other cultures are a bit more discrete- they might buy you a drink first and tell you you're pretty. The worst kind are those who fake an effort, take you out, be nice to you, AND THEN drop the casual sex offer. When you say no, all of them disappear just the same, though. So it seems like its nearly impossible to tell the difference. Until you do. And when you do you'll know it. And you'll finally understand that it was worth it. And you may regret having given away so much of your love for free. So just think twice. And never loose hope. Love will find you, you just have to be ready to accept it into your life when it does.
Now, just for fun, here are some statistics:
Durex Survey (2003) Highlights:
October 20, 2010 at 6:17 AM
Russians arent happy with their sex lives..? Since when tehhehe
October 20, 2010 at 6:18 AM
Every 6 seconds seems a bit unrealistic..?
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