“All my writing is about the recognition that there is no single reality. But the beauty of it is that you nevertheless go on, walking towards utopia, which may not exist, on a bridge which might end before you reach the other side.”- Marguerite Young
One of my friends recently asked, what is so wonderful about our world?
Nature: destroyed, food: toxic, people: psychologically unstable. All
the bad things you hear on the news. All the horrors than are still
happening every day… Women being stoned or buried alive for going
outside or for talking to men before marriage, masses of children being
killed as a demonstration of an ideology (Norway), militarization,
development of bombs that can destroy our planet 300 times over, natural
and unnatural disasters, ice caps melting, species of animals dying out
because of our over consumption or carelessness, people getting
attacked and killed for little green papers that have no value.
Does it make you feel kind of helpless?
Well, this is my response to this issue, I hope it gives you some food for thought:
There is a good and bad side in everything, darkness and light. But
light is always stronger, because darkness is simply a lack of light.
Bad things have, do, and will exist in the world, but they only seem to
be dominant because we hear about them more often. The good things are
the norm, nobody on the news bothers to tell you what good things
happened in the world, there wouldn’t be enough time in the program.
As long as people exist that are able to think and question our
reality, and strive to have love and light in our hearts, and spread it
to other people, then there is always hope for our world.
But the war can never be really over, because in the fight between
the light and darkness we grow. In an ideal world there is no evolution,
nothing to learn. Basically there would be no point to exist.
What do you guys think?
Live In The NOW
- Jim Carrey
Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.
- John Lennon
- John Lennon
Our entire lives are based on the future. Think about it. Ironic
isn’t it? We live now, to live later. We go to school to graduate, we
get a job to have money later, we meet people to get married and build a
family. We set up our lives for the prospect of being happy later.
My question to you is: what about the now?
It seems like we get so into looking forward to the future we forget
to stop and look around. Have you walked the same path every day of the
year, and only after 6 months or so you finally noticed something
interesting that’s been there all along? Where were you looking? Or were
you looking at all? Life nowadays is so stressful and busy, it seems
like we have retreated to living in our heads. And our bodies simply
serve the purpose of transporting our head.
Have we forgotten how to live in the moment? Why do I say “forgotten”? Because we had that gift. When we were children.
I love watching children. It’s a type of therapy for me. Not playing
with them, simply watching is enough. It seems to me that children are
the embodiment of everything that we adults have lost: innocence, sense
of adventure, unstoppable curiosity and thirst for discovering new
things, the lack of fear of failure, the confidence in their safety and
happiness. Children do not need two weeks to plan something fun. They
know that every moment is an opportunity. They believe in the
opportunity. If you think about it, its almost like… magic.
“Everyday, God gives us the sun- and also one moment in which we
have the ability to change everything that makes us unhappy. Everyday,
we try to pretend that we haven’t perceived that moment, that it doesn’t
exist- that today is the same as yesterday and will be the same as
tomorrow. But if people really pay attention to their everyday lives,
they will discover that magic moment. It may arrive in the instant that
we are doing something mundane, like putting the front door key in the
lock; it may lie hidden in the quiet that follows the lunch hour, or in
the thousand and one things that all seem the same to us. But that
moment exists- a moment all the power of the stars becomes a part of us
to perform miracles.”- Osho
Now, I want you to go outside and take a full minute to just look at the sky. One minute. Look up, breathe. Feel alive.
“You create your own universe as you go along.” -Winston Churchill
“The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can
alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.” -William James
“You want to become aware of your thoughts, you want to choose
your thoughts carefully and you want to have fun with this, because you
are the masterpiece of your own life.” – Joe Vitale
I was inspired by a documentary this
week, so if you have a minute in between studying and panicking, take a
look. It’s called “the Secret”. And what is this secret?
It’s very simple. It’s the Law of Attraction.
It’s a modern scientific theory that has to do with the effect of
”like attracts like”. It combines science and philosophy, in the sense
that it bases itself on the idea from physics that everything, if taken
to the basic level, is made up of energy. And thus, any thought you have
is not just a thought, but is also a strong impulse of energy, that
makes a difference in the flow of events in your life.
The Law states: I
attract to myself, whatever I give my focus, attention, or energy to;
whether wanted or unwanted. If you think about being poor, lonely,
unwanted and believe your thoughts, then guess what? That is exactly
what you’ll be. This Law applies to your life and every other person’s
life on the planet. Like all laws, it is impartial and impersonal, which
means it works when you want it to and when you don’t want it to.
This has happened, I’m sure, to nearly everyone. Think about it. If
you spend days afraid something will happen, it will most surely happen.
And when you are in a bad situation, everything seems to get worse and
worse. And on the contrary, happy people seem to have good things happen
to them.
You do not need to accept this as your new life philosophy,
especially since there are many criticisms of this theory (well, just as
any theory…) But try to pay attention to it. What I can guarantee is
that it wont hurt you to just make some small changes in your attitude
and lifestyle. And how do you know? Maybe this can dramatically alter
your life.
Simply think positively. Think about what you want in life. Make a
list. Stay away from negatives, such as ”I don’t want to be alone”, or
”I don’t want to be sad.” THINK IN THE POSITIVE.
“I was once asked why I don’t participate in anti-war demonstrations.
I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace
rally, I’ll be there.” -Mother Teresa
What I think is a good idea is just to start to be aware of your
thoughts. If you’re sad, just fake a smile. You’ll feel better even if
you’re pretending. It’s like a placebo effect at first, but once the
endorphins start flowing in your body, you will feel genuinely better.
Pay attention to the music you listen to. Is it focused on negative
emotions? What kind of things you discuss with friends? Do you spend all
your time whining about your problems instead of finding solutions?
Imagine starting to believe in yourself and your infinite
possibilities. Imagine believing you deserve everything you want out of
life. Imagine getting everything you want out of life. Feel as if you
already accomplished it.
If even you don’t believe in it, then how can you expect to achieve it?
Once you apply the Law of Attraction everything is possible.
“When I get sad, I stop being sad, and be awesome instead… True story !” – Barney Stinson, from How I Met Your Mother.
Education vs Creativity
“My education was interrupted only by my schooling”- Winston Churchill
Following up on my last post about a phenomenon called the Indigo Children, I would like to elaborate on the most important idea: that, whether or not you believe in the indigos, it is undeniable that today’s world is moving very quickly, and we must keep up with it. We cannot afford to have one of the most important systems –education- become outdated.
Children nowadays are different, whether we explain it by evolution of genetics or by simple adaptations to the new technologies and challenges of today. My four year old niece has her own laptop, and calls me on skype on her own. I didn’t have an e-mail address until I was about 13 or so.
The world is changing, but the education system is still the same. Mathematics and the sciences at the top, physical education and arts at the bottom. And it is aimed at making everybody the same. Standardized. And anything different is wrong. If you’re not good at math, its practically the same as saying you’re going to fail at life. And before it was like that: you had to learn facts, graduate, get a college degree, get a good job.
But isn’t it ironic that your entire life you had to learn to fit in, learn to follow rules and be inside the box, and suddenly, its’ like, none of that really matters.
Creativity is what drives progress. It’s what, in a way “makes the world go round”
So why is it that the education system seems to be aimed at stripping children of the gift of creativity?
This article was inspired by a video that was sent to me from one of you, my dear readers, of a speaker at the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference, Sir Ken Robinson, called “Do Schools Kill Creativity?” (Please youtube it when you have a free minute.)
He talks about the fact that education has its priorities wrong: not to teach really, and not to inspire and light a spark in the children, but to fill them with the standard program and create a fear of making mistakes. He makes an incredibly good point during his presentation: “If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you will never come up with anything original.”
It’s the idea that children and young adults have this burning potential, that, if not recognized, or if it’s suffocated by standardization, can go to waste. He gives an example:
“I’m doing a new book at the moment called, Epiphany, which is based on a series of interviews with people about how they discovered their talent. I’m fascinated about how people got to be there. It’s really prompted by a conversation I had with a wonderful woman who most people have never heard of, she’s called, Julian Lynn.
Have you heard of her? Some have. She’s a choreographer and everybody knows her work. She did Cats and Phantom of the Opera. She’s wonderful. I used to be on the board of the Royal Ballet in England, as you can see. And eh, anyway Julian and I had lunch together one day and I said, ‘Julian how did you get to be a dancer?’ And she said it was interesting; when she was at school she was really hopeless.
And the school in the thirties wrote to her parents and said, ‘we think Julian has a learning disorder.’ She couldn’t concentrate, she was fidgeting. I think now they’d say she had ADHD, wouldn’t you? But this was the 1930’s and ADHD hadn’t been invented, you know, at this point, so it wasn’t an available condition, you know. People weren’t aware they could have that.
Anyway, she went to see this specialist in this oak panelled room and she was there with her mother and she was led and sat on this chair at the end. And she sat on her hands for twenty minutes while this man talked to her mother about all the problems she was having at school. And at the end of it (because she was disturbing people and her homework was always late and so on, a little kid of eight) In the end, the doctor went and sat next to Julian and said I’ve listened to all these things your mother has told me I need to speak to her privately so he said, ‘wait here we’ll be back. we won’t be very long’ And they went and left her. But as they went out of the room, he turned on the radio that was sitting on his desk, and when they got out of the room, he said to her mother, ‘just stand and watch her.’
The minute they left the room she said she was on her feet moving to the music and they watched for a few minutes and he turned to her mother and said, ‘You know, Mrs Lynn, Julian isn’t sick she’s a dancer. Take her to a dance school.’ I said, ‘what happened? She said, ‘She did. I can’t tell you how wonderful it was. We walked into this room and it was full of people like me; people who couldn’t sit still. People who had to move to think.’
They did ballet, they did tap, they did jazz, they did modern, they did contemporary. She was eventually auditioned for the Royal Ballet School. She became a soloist. She had a wonderful career at the Royal Ballet. She eventually graduated from the Royal Ballet School and founded her own company; the Julian Lynn Dance Company, met Andrew Lloyd Weber.
She has been responsible for some of the most successful musical theatre productions in history. She has given pleasure to millions and she’s a multi- millionaire.
Somebody else might have put her on medication and told her to calm down.”
The Indigo
“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.” - Lao Tzu
Have you ever felt different? Like you serve a bigger purpose in life? Then perhaps I have an explanation for you.
Have you ever heard of Indigo children?
The Indigo Child is
a boy or girl who displays a new and unusual
set of psychological attributes, revealing a
pattern of behavior generally undocumented
before (Psychologists and doctors started noticing them in the 1980s).
The Indigo Child is recognizable by his or her aura
and by certain other traits, according to The
Indigo Children website:
They come into the world with a feeling of royalty (and often act like it)
They have a feeling of "deserving to be here," and are surprised when others don't share that.
Self-worth is not a big issue. They often tell the parents "who they are."
They have difficulty with absolute authority (authority without explanation or choice).
They simply will not do certain things; for example, waiting in line is difficult for them.
They get frustrated with systems that are ritually oriented and don't require creative thought.
They often see better ways of doing things, both at home and in school, which makes them seem like "system busters" (nonconforming to any system).
They seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind. If there are no others of like consciousness around them, they often turn inward, feeling like no other human understands them. School is often extremely difficult for them socially.
They will not respond to "guilt" discipline ("Wait till your father gets home and finds out what you did").
They are not shy in letting you know what they need.
Sounds like you or someone you know?
Furthermore, this also coincides with the recent spike in kids diagnosed with ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder). Most children who are recognized as indigo, are also diagnosed with ADD or ADHD. The idea is that, simply, they are the next step of evolution. They do not work well with the old system. That is why it is very important to recognize them. Because with their abilities, they can either become geniuses, or criminals.
Descriptions of indigo children include the belief that they are empathetic, curious, strong-willed, independent, and often perceived by friends and family as being strange; possess a clear sense of self-definition and purpose; and also exhibit a strong inclination towards spiritual matters from early childhood. Indigo children have also been described as having a strong feeling of entitlement, or "deserving to be here." Other alleged traits include a high intelligence quotient, an inherent intuitive ability, and resistance to authority. According to Tober and Carroll, indigo children function poorly in conventional schools due to their rejection of authority, being smarter than their teachers, and a lack of response to guilt-, fear- or manipulation-based discipline
Four Types of Indigo Personalities
- Interdimensional:
- The Indigo Interdimensional will display the attitude that they already know it all. At an early age they will answer with comments like, "I already know that. I can do it. Leave me alone". Their superior- like attitude will sometimes be seen as bullying but in fact they are the thinkers and idea people. They will help bring in new ways of thinking, spiritual practices and often lead the way in non-conformist thinking or "system busting". Because of their non-conformist like ideas they may also not readily fit in with mainstream society.The main criticism that people have of this is "well, yes, everybody wants to feel special." But this is not the point of this. Yes, everybody is special. But there are different categories of people, and this is a very evident one that is becoming more and more obvious. We cannot and should not deny the fact that evolution is continuing. So why deny the fact that some children are just different? It doesn't mean they are more special than others, it just means that evolution is continuing and our society must keep evolving.The danger in this is vanity. Indigos are already quite proud by their nature. But I feel like this is also a different aspect: its about understanding yourself and how things work for you and why. It's understanding that being different is a good things actually, and should be embraced. Be brave enough to be yourself.Resources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indigo_children, http://www.teachingindigos.com/profile.html, http://www.skepdic.com/indigo.html, http://www.indigochild.com/
DIY: thinking
“Reality is merely an illusion, although a very persistent one”- Albert Einstein
I am a bit of a fan of protesting against the commonly accepted norms of the days. Why? Not really because there is anything wrong with them necessarily, but I don't like the trend of passive acceptance. I like to question things.
So, this week I want to throw an idea out to you and have you think about it. What is reality? How can you really know that something is real or true?
Think about it: everything you know goes through your five senses. It goes through your filter of perception first, only then does it exist. If something cannot be perceptive by your senses, does it exist? How can you prove it?
How can you explain colors to a blind person? Moreover, how can you describe colors to any other person? You can never find out how the world looks like through someone else's eyes. What is reality then?
Our whole system of understanding of reality is based on making guessing and finding evidence that supports those guesses. It is limited by the limits of our minds and our senses. It seems silly, then, to me, that people have this God-complex of thinking that we know everything. That there is nothing else left. Any new ideas that are different from our current ''reality'' are automatically rejected. You'd think that people would have learned their lesson from our history:
Hundreds of years ago people thought the Earth was flat. And the people who said otherwise were, at best, shunned and called crazy.
Even earlier, people didn't understand the process of weather, so they assigned Gods to each element of weather.
We like to explain things, and protest against any opposition to our theories.
And we protest so strongly, until so much time passes, and so much evidence is found, that we suddenly change our minds and wonder how we could ever have been so stupid to think otherwise.
My point is, humanity is still developing. So we must at least try to be open and not let the current ''reality of things'' limit our minds and possibilities.
“Whatever is a reality today, whatever you touch and believe in and that seems real for you today, is going to be - like the reality of yesterday - an illusion tomorrow.”
- Luigi PirandelloIt really is so sad for me that so many of the popular things in our world today are set at getting people into a state of passive acceptance of anything. An obvious example is the use of subliminal advertising- advertising that targets the subconscious, and we are not aware of it, although it has a very strong effect on us. And you never know the whole story, how, when and what can have some kind of effect on our minds. But we reject the idea, because we reject anything that isn't instant and obvious.
The world is moving so fast nowadays, and it's very sad that the general mass of people are just trudging along, in whatever direction they are told to go by the people who understand the system.
Ultimately, reality is what we create it to be. If we don't, then we will be simply accepting someone else's reality. The choice is yours.
DIY: self-improvement
“The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.” - Flora Whittemore
"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself." -Leo Tolstoy
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I
cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to
know the difference. " -Reinhold Niebuhr
Change and self-improvement are quite a common topic in my articles/blog posts/discussions/tweets/statuses, yet I keep finding new aspects to it, so get updated and read up. A quick post today, since I haven't slept in over four days... :)
The spring semester started at my university, although you can't tell it from the weather: the snow has left, and been replaced with ice. I kind of wish it had stayed...
Anyways, with the new semester I feel like there is always a certain feeling of opportunity in the air. The potential of things to come.
This semester, more than usual I feel like people around me are feeling it. Many of my friends have said ''I need to change my lifestyle'' or ''I need to rethink my life''. But it seems to me that people don't know how or where to start.
Luckily for you, my dear readers, that self-improvement has been my obsession since I was 9 years old. So I am here to help.
The point I want to emphasize is that it is always possible to change your life for the better. I feel like people don't understand this and sink into a state of hopeless misery and acceptance, which leads to depression. Don't allow your mind work tricks on you.
Step 1: Find an aspect of your life that seems incomplete or makes you unhappy. Make a list. And move on to step 2.
Step 2: Find something new, or a way to improve the old. Find a possible ''change''.
Step 3: Go out and do it.
Seems very simple, but people tend to get stuck on each of the three steps. Because practically, it may be a long period of time from one step to the other, with difficulties, set backs and doubts. So the most important thing is to stick with it and not allow yourself to cower back to your comfortable state of misery.
It may seem ironic, but people may prefer to be miserable, because it is comfortable and safe, as opposed to taking a risk and changing something in your life.
"Change has a considerable psychological impact on the human mind.
To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get
worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better.
To the confident it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make
things better."
Step 1: Find an aspect of your life that seems incomplete or makes you unhappy. Make a list. And move on to step 2.
Step 2: Find something new, or a way to improve the old. Find a possible ''change''.
Step 3: Go out and do it.
Seems very simple, but people tend to get stuck on each of the three steps. Because practically, it may be a long period of time from one step to the other, with difficulties, set backs and doubts. So the most important thing is to stick with it and not allow yourself to cower back to your comfortable state of misery.
It may seem ironic, but people may prefer to be miserable, because it is comfortable and safe, as opposed to taking a risk and changing something in your life.
"Change has a considerable psychological impact on the human mind.
To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get
worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better.
To the confident it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make
things better."
-King Whitney Jr.
For example, I decided to start martial arts classes. I feel like I need an outlet for my anger that doesn't include fighting with my parents or being aggravated to random people. And also for self-defense, because, maybe you have noticed from my previous articles, I'm a bit of a feminist, and I don't like being dependent on my male friends for protection in the evenings.
What about you? Is there some aspect of your life or yourself that you don't like? How can you change it? Do you have to add or remove something or someone from your life? Try something new?
The hardest step is always the first one, because it's getting out of your comfort zone. But once you're out there, you will start to feel the rush of excitement and accomplishment. And that will help you through the process.
Be brave!
Back to the Beginning
“Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to” ~John Ed Pearce
“When you're safe at home you wish you were having an adventure; when you're having an adventure you wish you were safe at home” ~Thornton Wilder
Those of you who read my blog regularly may have figured out, I spent my life traveling, moving around from place to place every few years. So the concept of home was a bit different for me. I created my home around me. And I didn't think twice about it. But recently I had the chance to go ''home'', to the house in which I lived in as a baby, to the country that I belong to, both by law and by spirit. And it got me thinking a lot about the concept of ''roots''.
I have to mention that I spend a large amount of my childhood in the United States, so I was used to different people, from different backgrounds. But the idea in the US, it seems to me, is to assimilate everyone. Instead of encouraging people to keep their cultures, they loose them, and choose a one-size-fits-all approach to culture that the US offers. It was always the strangest thing for me: the United States has no culture of its own. It's all a mixture of the cultures of its immigrants (St.Patrick's Day), new things invented by capitalism (Valentine's Day), and a few traditions that were taken from Native Americans.
I mentioned this, because it seems like the United States is the role model for other countries nowadays. Like an older sibling, all the countries look up to it and copy anything it does.
My point is, generally, I feel like people have forgotten to value culture. And I feel like I have been one of those people. I thought that what you accomplished in life was more important then your history. It is, of course, important, but where you come from, your roots are the base of who you are as a person.
We are not born blank. We are born with our parent's DNA, we start to eat the food of our land, develop the anti-bodies for the germs of that area, get used to the climate, traditions, learn the language. And even if our lives lead us far away from all that, that is what lies at our core. And I really think that a person can never feel complete and happy being apart from that part of themselves. They could, for a while, but there will always be something missing, even if they might not notice it.
I didn't notice it. I think I was so used to the emptiness that I forgot about it. I killed any feeling of homesickness early in my childhood. It was simply easier to let go and not care about it. Otherwise the feeling of being severed from your homeland would get in the way. And I was able to let it go, little by little.
Visiting became a sort of adventure and test of memory. Was everything as I remember it? Is that tree still there? Do you remember where this came from?
The tastes, smells, the people, the energy, was always something as if from a wonderful dream. I would come, live the dream, and then go back to reality (my home abroad). But now that I am older, I realized the bigger issue: I'm not sure which one is the reality. I guess, ultimately, both are.
And now that I am older I only now start to understand the importance of having both, if circumstances are such that you cannot combine the two.
A person without roots is only half a person. They are like a plant that has been picked from the ground: it can live, but on artificial life support, and it's life may not be as long and full.
Every person is unique and creates their own path in life, filled with their experiences, accomplishments, goals, hopes and dreams. But our culture, our family, our homeland make up the background of who we are. It seems like there has to be a balance: without having harmony with your past, your future is questionable.
I guess it's hard to feel what I am referring to if it's not as extreme. If you live in your home town, or visit your family often, you take it for granted. So I urge you, don't. Because one of the worst things is to realize that it's too late to start to appreciate something.
Walking around my home country now, I am constantly on the verge of tears. I'm not quite sure why. It's something like, I feel like I belong, like I'm a part of this land, these people. This is a part of me. Everything: the air, the dirt, the sky. It's such a wonderful thing. And it's so sad that it need to be neglected so much to be felt so clearly afterward.
Never forget who you are and where you come from.
On Medicine and other disasters
"On the basis of what is known about the roles of the electrical,
magnetic, elastic, acoustic, thermal, gravitational and photonic
energies in living systems, it appears that there are many energetic
systems in the living body and many ways of influencing them. What we
refer to as the "living state" and as "health" are all of these systems,
both known and unknown, functioning collectively, cooperatively and
synergistically. The debate about whether there is such a thing as
"Healing Energy" or life force is being replaced with the study of the
interactions between the biological energy fields, structures and
functions.'' - James Oschman, PHD
"We are a multidimensional creation with coexisting 'bodies'...Our physical body is composed of matter; our subtle body is energy,
thought and emotions; and our causal body is a spiritual source of energy.
Health is the integration of all aspects of our being." -Mirka Knaster
""It is a wise mans part, rather to avoid sickness, than to wish for medicines.'"- Thomas More, Utopia
"The greatest mistake in the treatment of diseases is that there are physicians for the body and physicians for the soul, although the two cannot be separated." -Plato
"Treatment originates outside you; healing comes from within." -Andrew Weil, M.D.
"The good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease." - William Osler
I have long wanted to write
on this subject, but knowing what controversy it might cause, I hesitated and
avoided it. But...finally.. here it is. My view on medicine.
First of all let me say
that I greatly respect the science that is at the base of modern medicine. It
was an incredible leap between the medicine of say, the Renaissance era, to
where we are now. With our superb technologies and understanding of how things
work. It's improved people's lives greatly, and extended them by many years.
People can now travel or just go to public places without the risk of
catching some lethal disease. Now that I got that out of the way...
Modern Medicine has lost
its way. In theory, it is a practice that serves to use science to understand
the human body, find causes of illnesses and cure them, or eliminate the possibility
of catching them altogether.
Great idea.. But
practically what do we have?
Chaos. Absolute chaos. And
capitalism. It's all about money. And as much as I hate to support the ''global
conspiracy'' theory of how the government is against us, in this case, I have
to say, they have a point:
Pills are replaced with
placebos. Doctors advertise medication. New medications are developed that are
similar in properties as heroin, to get people addicted to it. And when a
resistance is built up by the immune system, they reach for stronger, more
expensive drugs. Medicine is advertised and colored to be consumer-friendly.
There are pills for happiness. For any little twitch your body makes,
there is a pill to stop it. WE ARE SEDATING OUR BODIES INTO STUPIDITY.
Through illnesses our body
communicates with us. It's the only way it has!! So when your head hurts, as
yourself WHY, not just pop a pill and wait for it to go away.
One of the biggest problems
in Modern Medicine is that it is mostly targeted at treating the consequences
of illnesses, but not the causes.
And many people disagree
with me here. ''Of course it treats causes!"
Let me give a bit of an extreme example:
Extreme headache --> Tumor.
Result --> Cause
Solution: cut it out.
Let me give a bit of an extreme example:
Extreme headache --> Tumor.
Result --> Cause
Solution: cut it out.
NO. I want to ask you WHY
the tumor formed. WHY. It could have formed, it could have not. What factors
influenced it? And how do we eliminate these factors in the future? That is the
real cause.
I do not only blame doctors
for this. If people demanded real treatment, they would provide it I'm sure.
But people don't want it. They want a quick fix. They want to pop a pill and go
on watching TV and eating their french fries.
I believe in alternative
medicine, as it is labeled. By definition it is anything that does not fall
within the realm of ''conventional medicine''. It's something different. BUT
The Body is such a complex
system. It is not a piece of living meat.
and every cell in the body is not only intelligent, but conscious too, in the
sense that it can independently make decisions on the communications it sends
to other cells. There are approximately 10 trillion cells in the body. Yet each
of those cells signals, on average, to at least 10,000 other cells every
day." (http://reversethinking.typepad.com/weblog/2010/07/how-the-body-thinks.html)
I believe in the System of
Unity of Mind, Body and Spirit.
And before you give me that
cynical look, let me explain what I mean.
This is not some African
voodoo, ok?
It's so shocking to me to
hear that people, when asked about religion and God, are so passionate and full
of faith, but when asked about healing energies, auras, spirits or karma, look
at me like I come from a different planet.
If I got anything from
conventional religious teachings, its this: God is everywhere. God is in each of us.
So why is medicine so
separate from it? There is nothing spiritual in conventional medicine. Simply,
it's afraid of spirituality. Because when it has it's facts and experiments,
it's safe and protected. It's in control. But when it comes to spirituality,
it's walking on ice.
But its impossible to
separate the two! The Body is not a piece of meat, again. It has a physical,
intellectual AND spiritual side.
We are conscious beings. We
have souls. Does anyone doubt that? (If any of you do, please, then, tell me
what separates us from animals?)
Our Bodies have energy.
They give off energy. They use energy.. And this is not hippie bullshit, this
is real. ENERGY IS A TERM FROM PHYSICS. There are sooooo many PHDs from physics
that, at a certain point in their research, came to accept God and Energy.
Just because there are things that we cannot explain, or do not understand, or
For me, the most logical
thing of all is to say, that the unknown aspect of ''science'' is, actually,
what we call God. It's the unknown forces.
After all, centuries ago,
people didn't understand how weather worked, so they invented Gods to represent
forces of nature. Now they seem stupid to us, and primitive. So WHY, please
tell me, isn't it possible that we are primitive in our understandings as well?
When Galileo said that the
Earth wasn't the center of our galaxy, people called him insane. Why is
''different'' necessarily ''wrong'''?
Just because it's not
''conventional''? It hasn't been accepted by the masses so it doesn't deserve
to be considered? THINK.
My system is very
The body is strong and
intelligent enough to withstand any illness.
To sustain it in this
state, it must be healthy, both physically (eating organic, pure, healthy food,
drinking clean water, exercising regularly), intellectually (the mind must be
kept busy, and given enough rest) and spiritually (there must be harmony in our
Any illness that arises
is a result of the failure of one of these systems.
All the chemical, genetic
modifications, the dyes, the excess saturated fats have an EXTREMELY bad effect
on your body. How could they not? THINK. (Examples: Certain types of crops in
the US are sprayed with a special chemical to keep bugs away. And this chemical
is absorbed into the crop, and then eaten by us. IF BUGS DONT EAT THE CROPS, WHY
WOULD YOU? They are spraying them, literally, with POISON.)
The processing of food is
also a very important aspect to mention..
Do you honestly think the
0.3% fruit juice concentrate that you find in Fanta for example is the same as
drinking fresh orange juice?? Your body needs LIVE vitamins. Natural ones, so
it can use them. You're giving it dead, painted vitamins, that have been
chocked, beaten, then filled with bubbles and put into a plastic container.
Visual enough?
And as to cooking food.. should I even mention frying, or is it self-explanatory? Cooking a vegetable in boiling oil kills any minerals or vitamins that it had in it. It goes from being a vegetable... to something like a piece of plastic covered in crunchy oil, in terms of health value at least.
If the mind isn't working,
it is rotting away. Violent video games, most television shows, most of the time- social networking sites, porn, even sometimes
magazines. They stupidify the mind, focusing it on consumerist values, sex, or
As for sleep: Not getting enough rest
makes your mind exhausted so it cannot function properly. pretty straightforward.
Now this is the most fun
one: Simply put: every person
has an aura, a sphere of energy around them, and this energy is not stable, it
is connected to the higher energies. Any time something goes wrong with the
harmony of energy, it corresponds to a certain point in our aura, and so, on
our body. It is very much connected to the asian system of chakras and the flow
of energy.
Every illness, pain, etc.
can be read and understood.
The right side of our body
represents the female side, the left- the male.
The throat corresponds to
the fifth chakra, Vishuddha,
the chakra of
communication.The feet – to material
possessions and concepts, such as money. The nose corresponds to pride. The
head- to our outlook on life and thoughts. And so on. (Research this in more
detail or ask me for references. A famous researcher on this subject was Luule
Viilma, an Estonian doctor)
All blockages in the flow of energy causes problems.
Any disturbance of energy, such as anger, jealously, hatred, etc. creates problems and eventually illnesses in the corresponding areas.
If your pride was hurt, you will get a runny nose, or catch the flu. If you
didn’t speak your mind – a sore throat. If you were angry with your father
about financial issues, you will accidentally drop a heavy object on your left
foot. Or it might spasm up and start hurting without a physical factor like dropping something on it. IT WORKS.
It may sound silly, but it truly works. And doctors something shrug their shoulders at such things, because such problems are not always deep enough to be seen on a materialistic level.
example, have you ever had pains, and went to the doctor and they couldn’t tell
you anything? They made scans, but they were clean. “There is nothing there,”
the doctor may have told you. “But what hurts then?” You ask in response.
In high school I would have
terrible, sharp pains in my lower stomach, on the left side. Similar to pains
of an infection in the appendix, but it was never that. Such pains, they would
come suddenly, and so sharply, that I wouldn’t be able to move, and would
sometimes loose consciousness. I went to all the doctors I could find. But in
the place where the pains were concentrated, THERE WAS NOTHING THERE. No organ,
nothing. Nothing could hurt there, because there was nothing there to hurt.
Doctors shrugged at me.
So, if I tell you it was a
block in my flow of energy, you may or may not believe me.
But as we follow this
system in my entire family, when I finished high school I took the initiation
into the system of Reiki healers. I am a first level Reiki healer. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reiki) And since
then I’ve never had the pains come back.
Also let me comment on something else: The idea that such illnesses as colds and the flu come from cold weather. Ok, this is just bullshit. What does the cold weather do to your body? Ok, it MAY challenge your immune system. So it's your bad immune system that gets you sick, not a little cold weather. Silly people! Why don't we have a similar sickness connected to very hot weather then? What's the difference, theyre both extremes? Think!!
And about the appendix-removing craze people have developed (to add to the wisdom teeth removal craze). It's so funny how medicine decided that some things in the body are just ''extra'' and should be cut out. ONLY LATER... they found out that the appendix isn't actually completely useless and generates some kind of hormone. HAHA! and I thought God was just silly and gave us an extra body part.. silly me..
When our hand hurts, is the first thing we think of that we have to cut it off???
And about the appendix-removing craze people have developed (to add to the wisdom teeth removal craze). It's so funny how medicine decided that some things in the body are just ''extra'' and should be cut out. ONLY LATER... they found out that the appendix isn't actually completely useless and generates some kind of hormone. HAHA! and I thought God was just silly and gave us an extra body part.. silly me..
When our hand hurts, is the first thing we think of that we have to cut it off???
Another aspect: The most terrible illness of our century is AIDS.
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
Acquired: not something we are born with
Immunodeficiency: having a weak immune system
The worst illness of our time is a illness that kills the immune system. Ironic isn't it? Since our society is so good at doing that on it's own. With it's dead, plastic, colored food, drinks made of liquid sugar and food dye, cigarettes and alcohol (last two are self-explanatory), machines that do all the thinking and working instead of us, a system of financial slavery that makes everything too expensive, and makes us borrow money from the system in a way that it's physically impossible to return back, psychological stress, dirty, polluted air and water. What is the world coming to? And why do we allow this?
Most of the time when something like
alternative medication is mentioned, people think of acupuncture, iridology,
yoga, herbs, etc. I could go into details about each of these and what amazing
techniques they are, but I will leave that researching to you, my readers. I
will let you take initiative and find some details on your own.. I will say
The past 5 years I have cured all of my winter-related illnesses from
runny nose, to a severe flu in which I was in bed, too weak to stand up for 4
days straight and unable to eat, I cured them all with herbal teas. That is all
I will say.
Of course, to each their
But I urge you to be open
to things, and consider this system. At least consider it.
At least the part of it
that says that health is not about pills and doctors, its about living life in
a healthy way, in touch with nature, and taking care of your body.
Your body is
the temple of your soul. It’s the only one you get in this life, so take care
of it.
Think. Be healthy.