
The Beauty and Horror of Feminism

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“Nobody objects to a woman being a good writer or sculptor or geneticist if at the same time she manages to be a good wife, good mother, good looking, good tempered, well groomed and unaggressive”- Leslie McIntyre

"I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is:  I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a door mat or a prostitute."  -Rebecca West

"I'm tough, I'm ambitious, and I know exactly what I want.  If that makes me a bitch, okay."  - Madonna Ciccone 

"You don't have to be anti-man to be pro-woman." - Jane Galvin Lewis 
I've been repeatedly accused of feminism. So for once, I'd like to approach the subject directly. I'm a what?

"Feminism refers to political, cultural, and economic movements seeking greater, equal, or, among a minority, superior rights and participation in society for women and girls. These rights and means of participation include legal protection and inclusion in politics, business, and scholarship, and recognition and building of women's cultures and power... Feminist activists have campaigned for women's rights—such as in contract, property, and voting—while also promoting women's rights to bodily integrity and autonomy and reproductive rights. They have opposed domestic violence, sexual harassment, and sexual assault. In economics, they have advocated for workplace rights, including equal pay and opportunities for careers and to start businesses." -Wikipedia Wisdom

Well that was shocking and horrible (not). I could never really understand why being called a feminist is a sort of insult. Yes, I believe that the absence of one or another reproductive organ does and should not handicap a person in any area of life. Why is that bad? Why does saying that imply that I should be stamped FEMINIST on the forehead, be expected to shave my head and run around the streets screaming?

We can't really talk about women, men, feminist, whatever the male equivalent of that is, and power without talking about sexuality. After all, that is the only thing that draws the line between us.
But missing a penis does not mean missing a brain. We're just built differently. Why discriminate against one of two puzzle pieces? Why must one always dominate the other? Who gave us the right to decide that anyway? 
Yes, in (most) religions women are the source of all sin. But in the same religions we are taught that God is love and that He loves all of his creations. And that we must love one another. 
Sorry, but obvious question... why are women an exception to this?
Yes, original sin, etc etc. The devil uses women to tempt and distract men. Whatever. If men are weak enough to take the bait, then who exactly is the stronger sex? If women are strong enough to completely confuse and devour the hearts and souls of men... then, just logically thinking here, shouldn't we be considered the higher power? 

Simply speaking, Adam ate the damn apple himself. Eve did not, as I recall in the story, shove it down his throat. Decisions, decisions. 

And actually, it wasn't always so. At about 30,000 B.C., people believed the female sexual organ to be the sole source of life. It was carved into stone, as a symbol of life, and the gateway to God. Now, there is food for thought.

Don't panic. Not calling for the establishment of a matriarchy or  anything. I'm a firm believer in peace and equality.
And more than anything, equal standards.

Why are women expected to be super beings? Combine housework, career success, mens' playboy fantasies, and womens' ideas of beauty and perfection? While it's perfectly accepted in society for a guy of 30 to be balding and have a beer belly.

The same goes for behavior. Accoring to AskMen.com: "Men interrogate, women are concerned, Men are whipped, women are clingy, Men are glorified, women are ostracized, Men are chivalrous, women are catty, Men are dysfunctional, women need better lovers." These are the top 5 double standards in dating. Agree? I think they have a point.

Some differences it seems have been and always be. But some, I do believe can be improved and compromised. If we stop being so afraid of the concept of equality and, oh my, feminism.
We're not wild animals, that, if you open the cage door, will jump out, bite you and pee on the carpet. We, too, are intelligent, sophisticated creatures, just trying to find a place in the world, sometimes more so than men. So let's give each other a bit of break. 


"Sexual intelligence", by Kim Cattrall.

Thank you! Ive always been confused on whether feminists had to be like, lesbians, man-hating..

Nice propaganda piece, you conveniently left out the wildly liberal political element of feminism, the lobbying efforts, the sexist laws e.g. VAWA, the blatantly sexist affirmative action laws and other activities that are touted under the guise of "Equity".
Your total disregard for what feminism is today is sad on so many levels.

Firstly, thank you for your constructive criticism. I am always open to discussion and improvement.

Secondly, let me just say that it was in no way my intention to use my blog for propaganda of any kind. As a women, I am, I suppose, biased and more prone to supporting feminism. But I don't recall suggesting that everybody join me in my ideas. I write my opinions and thoughts. And I encourage people to decide for themselves.

My intention was, in fact, to try to understand why people like labeling women as feminists, and the stereotypes that go with that label. Of course, I did not fully cover the entire ideology of the movement in one little article, and it was not my intention to do so.

And you are absolutely correct. As you said ''feminism today'' is a completely different creature. I was trying to focus more on the roots, of the basic idea, not on how it's been used/distorted and used for political purposes.

Thank you! I will try to cover different aspects of my topics in the future.

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