Despite the contradiction, there is an undeniable truth in the sentence above. There are billions of people in the world, and every single one is an exceptional, irreplaceable individual. But look around you and you might be surprised. Everyone is wearing the similar shoes, clothing, hair styles, listening to the same music… Do you suppose that everyone is really thinking for themselves and this is a just a coincidence? Or, did we allow certain stereotypes of “normality”, “coolness”, “beauty” or “perfection” to take over our lives, influence the way we think and perceive the world?
I think the theory that our preferences and tastes are something we our born with is not entirely true. When we were children we were not aware of the fact that our eyelashes have to be longer, our waists smaller, our teeth whiter, etc. We did not know that wearing different brands, styles or even colors of clothing sometimes affects the way people perceive you.
When we were little, we were accepted and loved just because we existed. We were simply ourselves and it was enough. So at what point in our lives did it stop being enough? And, more importantly, why? Why is it that most of us feel forced to conform to the stereotype of how we ‘should’ act and look like? The general answer to this is fear. We are afraid to be different, because we dread not being loved or accepted. We care about what people think of us. Every single move we make, either consciously or not, we evaluate how people will react. We’re afraid of being laughed at, rejected or scorned, because we need other people in order to feel complete.
Now, I’m not saying that self-improvement is a bad thing, it’s a vital part of life. But once we start to change ourselves only in order to “fit in”, we are not only lying to everyone around us through a type of false advertising, but we are also lying to ourselves, which is much worse. And we are also purging society of uniqueness and variety.
So is it worth it?
Our differences are the thing that what make us unique and interesting. It’s what makes our lives fun and colorful. So, why not dare to be different? Dare to be yourself and don’t care what others think of it. I am convinced that if you stay true to your heart, you will find people that will love you for who you are, and not who you are trying to be. Dare to be imperfect, natural, think for yourself. And, of course, be open about other people’s individuality. And I think the world will be a much better place.
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