I apologize ahead of time for the feministic and cynical tone of this post.
But I really think its necessary to share.
Also for those boys who read this, maybe you will learn a thing or two.
Now, first of all I want to state that I do believe in true, pure love.
And in the Exception.
But until you find it, girls, please, stop being so STUPID.
I've been researching this. And then putting the pieces together using common sense. And I've reached the conclusion that we girls are absolute idiots most of the time. Naive, gullible idiots. Easily manipulated.
No wonder we get hurt so much. So just stop. Protect yourself. Because 90% of the time it's just not worth it.
So let's go.
First of all, in order to fight it, we must understand it. Understand ourselves. How we work, what our weak points are. And how easy it is to manipulate us.
What does a girl really need in order to let her guard down?
She needs to feel special. Unique. Like she's the only one.
She needs to feel incredible, like she's better than others. More beautiful, smart, funny, whatever.
Then we girls have all these tests that put forward.
Like the test of time. Will the guy give up easily or not? Will he keep insisting after the first no? The second? The fourteenth? The theory here is that if he is so insistent that he is actually genuinely interested, right?
Well hate to break the news but this is not always true.
Some guys will really keep at it for weeks or even months if they really want a girl physically. They will be willing to spend their energy, time, money, whatever it takes. And yes, sometimes after all that effort they will actually realize that they like her. But sometimes not. Sometimes all that effort was just a game, for a worthy prize. And once they get it they will loose interest. This is something we must understand once and for all. And we must learn to expect it, so we stop getting so heartbroken every single time.
This actually doesn't make the guy a bad person. It just means that he Just Wasn't That Into You.
And apparently guys don't have such a strong sense of guilt as girls do. They use us. Because, (sorry, but here comes the religious part), women are the way that men can connect to higher energies, to God. This is actually not my theory. It's a pretty well known theory. And a pretty cool one too, even if it is slightly feminist. God is love. And men gain love through women.
Women are naturally just more spiritual than men, more in touch with their intuition, with higher energies.
Men are more materialistic. The two complete each other in theory.
Until men got smart. And we didn't. We remained naive. And that's our problem.
All the excuses are B.S.
Why is it so hard to understand this?
"I'm busy." "I'm going through something." "It's just not the right time now."
"It's not you." "Let's just be friends."
All these excuses are just that. They are excuses. If they were genuinely interested then nothing, I repeat, NOTHING would stand in the way.
They would find a way.
They would fight. If it was worth it for them.
If they give up that it's not worth it. Don't take it personally. It's their problem.
I believe the only way we can keep going is to know that if we give love, pure love, eventually we will get it right. It's not our fault. When they reject us its just that they are not looking for love. They are looking for a lower type of energy. And they can find it somewhere else. Until they get sick and tired of it. But then it might be too late.
There is this wonderful metaphoric quote I read:
"Women are like apples on a tree. The best ones are at the top of the tree. Most men don't want to reach
for the good ones because they're afraid of getting hurt. So instead,
they just take the apples from the ground that aren't as good, but easy
to get... The apples at the top of the tree think there's something
wrong with them, when, in reality, they're amazing. They just have to
wait for the right man to come along - one who's brave enough to climb
all the way to the top.
Men, on the other hand, are like a fine wine.
They begin as grapes... and it's up to women to stomp on them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with."
Men, on the other hand, are like a fine wine.
They begin as grapes... and it's up to women to stomp on them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with."
Now let me make something clear, I'm not saying that sex is wrong. It's wonderful. It's an amazing way that men and women can connect in a deep and intimate way, the only way. But there something wrong with using that connection. It's not something that should be bought or sold, used for benefits, for manipulation or anything. I believe that some things should be kept sacred. Special.
Maybe that makes me a total looser, I don't know. But that's what I really think.
Once it becomes routine, it changes from Love, or even Sex, to simple, low animal instinct. And people are higher creatures than that. Evolution should not work backwards.
There is also nothing wrong with having a bit of fun, experimenting, finding out what you like, gaining crazy memories and stories. But there is something very wrong with giving away parts of your soul in the process. Remember they cannot hurt you unless you let them. Unless you give in too early or too easily.
So don't give them the chance to hurt you. Keep your soul for someone who will cherish it.
"A wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe, and leaves before she is left"
Marilyn Monroe
January 13, 2010 at 2:08 PM
okay, this is a completely random message.
1) your blog is so pretty!
2) i love your writing, avia.
3) you know how i knew i was in love? when i didn't even care what he had to say, how he'd react, or what happened to us. i just wanted him to know that i loved him.
January 13, 2010 at 2:56 PM
haha, random comments are the best.
Thank you love. And I'm very happy that you found Love! Really. Don't take it for granted.
January 13, 2010 at 8:32 PM
"Men, on the other hand, are like a fine wine.
They begin as grapes... and it's up to women to stomp on them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with."
I can't decide whether I feel demeaned or enlightened by this :P But I think I'm leaning towards enlightened
January 15, 2010 at 2:42 PM
Well thats the whole point of the blog so I'm glad :) Thanks for reading my stuff!
September 27, 2012 at 4:18 AM
Women account for approx 85 percent of all consumer brand purchases, please explain how that statistic fits in with your "women are more spiritual, men are more materialistic" bullshit comment?
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